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Rapid Onset


· Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP)

o Most commonly called GBS

o Immune system attacking the myelin sheath (covering of nerves)

o The damaging of the myelin sheath (covering of nerves) leads to symmetrical (both sides) weakness and sensory       (brain to body info) loss or changes; tingling and numbness


· Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy (AMAN)

o Similar to AIDP

o Rapid onset, symmetrical (both sides) paralysis, without any sensory (brain to body info) changes

o Nerve damage occurs at areas of exposed axons (part of the nerve cell that conducts impulses)


· Acute Motor Sensory Axonal Neuropathy (AMSAN)

o Severe form of GBS that develops over days

o Paralysis and sensory loss due to axonal (part of the nerve cell that conducts impulses) damage

o Often triggered by food poisoning


· Miller Fisher Syndrome (Slow onset)

o Can be demyelinating or axonal

o Double vision from weak eye muscles

o Wobbly walk; loss of balance

o Loss of deep tendon reflexes

o Injury to the nerves controlling the eye muscles causes weakness so the eyes can’t move together; double vision

o Blurred vision caused by paralysis of pupil

o Weakness of limbs, facial paralysis, and difficulty swallowing; overlapping with features of GBS

o Individuals with GBS can have ocular muscle weakness and double vision.


Slow Onset


· Chronic Inflammatory demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

o It is closely related to GBS

o Progressive symmetrical weakness and sensory loss within the legs and arms that can develop slowly or quickly over an 8 week period. Weakness occurs on both sides of the body and is not self-limiting.


· Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)

o Demyelinating

o Rare, chronic, progressive neuropathy

o Predominantly distal (farthest away from center), asymmetric (one side) limb weakness; mostly upper limbs

o The hands, forearms, feet, and legs are more affected than the shoulders and hips.

o One side is more affected than the other side.


· Multifocal Acquired Demyelinating Sensory and Motor Neuropathy (MADSAM)

o Rare form of CIDP

o Shares MMN features; asymmetric (one side) weakness, but has sensory (brain to body info) changes; tingling or loss of sensation within the damaged nerves

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